July 07, 2017 3 min read 0 Comments


Since dogs can't talk, it's not easy for them to let you know when they have to potty, especially if you're in another part of the house. PoochieBells dog training bells give your dog an easy and consistent way to let you know when he or she has to go. Don't worry, training your dog to alert you with these cute bells is easy as one, two, three. Just follow the steps below. 

Step 1 - Introduce your little dog to the bells.

Slip the top loop of your PoochieBells over the doorknob of the door your dog uses when it's time for a potty break. If your door has a closed handle instead of a knob, don't worry. PoochieBells have a snap that opens and closes for doors with handles.

You can also hang PoochieBells on a decorative hook next to your door. Hooks are a great option if your door has a lot of traffic going in and out. Hanging PoochieBells on a hook instead of the door means you'll only hear the bells when you doggy rings them.

Step 2 - Teaching the jingle.  

Now, every time you let your doggy out, you'll want to bring him or her over to the bells, and give them a jingle (a light jingle so as not to scare the bejeezus out of your dog) and say something like, "Potty time." Then give your doggy lots of praise and reward him by letting him outside. Word to the wise, do not give your dog a treat for ringing the bells. PoochieBells are used so your dog can let you know when he needs to out, not when he wants a treat.

Step 3 -  Repeat until your dog jingles the bells on his or her own. 

Every time you bring your dog to the door to go potty, jingle the bells, say something like "Potty time," and then open the door for your pup to go out. Always praise your dog for going out. Before you know it, your dog will jingle the PoochieBells on his / her own to let you know when it's time to go outside.      

Just FYI, some dogs will use their paws to ring the bells and others will use their nose. There's no right or wrong way for your dog to ring the bells. And, they hang nice and low for little dogs. 

Have a second home, or staying with friends when traveling?

Order an extra set of PoochieBells for traveling, to keep at your vacation home, your RV or to hang on two different doors. No matter where you go with your little dog, he or she will know to ring the PoochieBells at potty time.


PoochieBells really work for potty training your dog. The reason potty training with bells works so well is because they give your dog a consistent way to alert anyone in the home when he or she has to potty. Even if you're not in the same room as your dog, he or she can still get your attention with PoochieBells, reducing the chances of a potty accident.       

Designed for dogs and discriminating homeowners.        

PoochieBells are 26-inches long and the lead-free bells are custom made with smaller openings and no sharp edges, something you won't find on typical craft store bells. The bells are made in the USA. PoochieBells are available in a good number of colors and patterns so you can coordinate them with the look of your home.

Order your PoochieBells today.